Working with Elephants

My first time conducting animal communication and healing with elephants was in Sumatra in 2014. I traveled to the Way Kambas National park with a group of Linking Awareness Adventurers. We worked hands on with a herd of 55 elephants.


The Elephants called me back to them in 2015, but this time it was in South Africa, with much bigger, sacred beings. The African Elephants swarmed us in Kruger park. They’re messages and downloads were heart opening and delightful. This was also the first time that I met a very powerful friend of mine, Kasper the Elephant. We are the same age, and little did I know at the time that I would be back to see him 5 times in the next few years, bringing groups to work with him and his exquisite wisdom. Below is an exercise that he wanted me to relay to you.

A Message and Exercise from Kasper the Elephant:

"Hello beloved one. Thank you for taking the time to connect with me. I have been in this body for 31 years, and with each coming year I bring more presence and energy. During my time here I have been lost, bought, sold, hunted, and rescued. I have watched my friends flourish and I have watched my friends die. I have seen humans with giant hearts, and I have seen humans with small hearts. Such is the gift of "being". So I ask that you embrace this gift of being. I ask that you be the human with the "Giant Heart". I ask that you look at this beautiful planet we share together, and love it for all of its glory, lightness, and darkness.

Now dear one, I ask that you place yourself in the picture above. Stand so that your chest is pressed against my leg. Imagine that your heart and my heart connect.

Hear the low rumbles of my inhales, and the raspy release of my exhales. Feel me expand with each in breath, as you expand with me. 
Be with me in this moment. Matching your breath to mine. Be with me in this time of great change and great grace. And don't ever leave... "