Saving the South African Elephants - An Animal Communication Journey

It is with great honor that I write to tell you a story about a dear friend of mine, Innocent.

>>Please see this video to get an up close and personal connection to this great man.<<

I met Innocent in 2015 after an incredible visit to the Hazyview Elephant Sanctuary in South Africa. When I first spoke with Innocent, it was very clear that this man had a deep connection with the elephants. He would listen to them and understand them. He would make accommodations for them based on their individual moods that day. His greeting to each elephant in the morning was "Good Morning, How are you today?" and he would listen for the low, nasally rumbles they would give off, along with the trunk kisses and snot hisses to assure him that they had slept well and had a safe night. 

He truly is a special elephant handler. Since meeting Innocent, I have returned to South Africa and visited him several times. Each time his eyes sparkle with the marvel of these magnificent animals. 

In 2016, Innocent had the chance to travel to Sumatra, Indonesia (a journey I took in 2014) to work with a herd of 55 elephants and learn Animal Communication and Healing. This journey only amplified and intensified Innocents great love for these animals, and it also opened him to connecting to all animals and all of oneness...understanding the link between the earth, the plants, the water, the insects, and how each supplements our great Animal Kingdom. 

It is now a dream of Innocents to expand his education and reach in South Africa. He is working hard to get his Field Guide Certification in Kruger National Park so that he can work deeper with the wild animals of South Africa.

His ultimate goal is to educate the impoverished Tribal African people about the great magic and purpose that each animal holds. He hopes to do this by teaching them animal communication.

Currently, many Tribal African communities live in severe poverty and see these sacred animals, such as Elephants, Rhinos, Lions, Pangolins, and Giraffes as a commodity and a paycheck. Innocent is hoping to bring greater communication and understanding to the Tribal African communities so that they can see the animal as a living, breathing being rather than a trophy. 

It is with great pleasure that I announce that YOU can help Innocent achieve this feat. I am traveling to South Africa in November and I have made the commitment to raise and donate as much money as possible to help Innocent gain his Field Guide Training Certificate. In order to get this certificate, he must get in his "Field Hours" which includes paying several hundred Rand to spend several hours inside Kruger National Park with an experienced guide and teacher.

It takes Innocent about a month to save up for each 1-day trip. On top of that, he needs to take the day off from work, and find additional care for his 6 year old daughter. He needs to complete dozens of these trips for his certification. To give you an idea of costs: 

1 US Dollar =14 Rand
1 Field Trip = 600 Rand or 45 USD  

It is my hope to supply Innocent with 2,000 USD so that he can complete his training immediately.


In November of 2018, we presented Innocent with a check of almost TWENTY THOUSAND RAND!! He was so thankful and is currently continuing his studies and hours during his off time from Kasper and Kitso.