Life is like underwear...change is good!

"Life is like Underwear, Change is Good"

I know, right? This quote made me laugh and it's resonating hardcore with me right now. Spirit has been downloading me with some big BIG visions. They are all incredible and magical, but guess what?

And when I say "way" outside my comfort zone, I'm talking a bazillion on the scale of 1-10. 

I realized that being in this uncomfortable space of expansion and possibilities is the juciest place I could be in this moment. You wanna know why??

Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones

Big Dreams Require Big Support

You might not know that For many years before I fully stepped onto this path I worked as a technical writer for a Private Investigative firm that specialized in investigating fraudulent Workers Compensation claims. During this time I was a "closet psychic" and neither my bosses nor my co-workers knew that in my off time I was working on missing persons and cold cases with various police departments, doing a weekly radio show conducting psychic readings, studying with Shaman and Indigenous Healers from all over the world, and teaching Psychic Development, Channeling, and Healing.

The P.I. job was stable and well paying, but it by no means fed my soul. Days turned into months, and months turned into years. I kept telling myself I was going to leave, but I was too afraid to take the leap. So I adjusted my schedule to work from home (thinking the office was the culprit), then I went from full-time to part-time (thinking that less work would make me happier), but through all of those changes, I WAS STILL MISERABLE. I cried a lot, I was always frustrated, and I stuffed my emotions with really healthy things like pots of coffee, brownies, and cookies.

Bottom Line: I was not in alignment with my Soul Blueprint and the Universe was going to continue to "turn up the heat" until I surrendered to my path  

It was time for me to bust out of that comfort zone and take the leap into the vision I was always shown but I didn't know how to make possible. This vision was me owning my own business, helping people step into their power and heal, and facilitating global retreats. Knowing that great things never came from comfort zones, I held my breath and jumped off that cliff.

And guess what........Everything worked out fine.

It is now my PURPOSE to empower others and help them align deeply with their Highest Soul Blueprint.