Baby Shower Support Fund!

Thank you for visiting our page! Brian and I are beyond excited to welcome little Luke Matthew Nisse into our lives. He’s currently kicking up a storm and doing somersaults in my belly! I’m pretty sure this kid is going to be a star athlete, as I’ve been feeling him rocking and rolling since I was about 12 weeks along.


Meal Service Fund

Brian and I are both major fans of Daily Harvest and Sun Basket. We find their meals to be healthy, quick, organic, and veggie dense. Having quick meals pre-made and available would be golden during our zombie time as new parents.

Housekeeping Fund

We know those first several weeks are going to be….well…. rough. Between non-stop feedings, poopy diapers, visitors, zombie sleeps, a very energetic doggy and a tuna-demanding kitty; i’m sure we will have our hands full! To add some additional support to our household, we thought it would be nice to hire a local maid to come by once or twice a week and help us keep the house spruced up.

Diaper Fund

Poop…there’s going to be A LOT of it. Need I say more?

Support the funds below

Baby Nisse Support Fund